Day 1,403 - Okahu Passage, NZ (35° 12S 174° 12E)
09:03hrs - April 3rd 2011
Our New Nav Table-Tablet |
Technology moves a lot faster than Dream Time, and what was new to us four years ago when we left New York, would be considered ancient and obsolete by today's high-tech standards, so we're a little behind the times. But we're OK with that, we actually like how liberating our new lifestyle is - cruising has forced us to simplify. After-all, we don't have a lot of spare room on board, so the impulse to buy 'new gadgets' is quickly abandoned when we realize we've got absolutely nowhere to put them.
But with that said, we're not purists either, we like the convenience, comfort and safety that technology can provide. So for us it's about finding balance. And OK, I admit, there's the 'cool factor' to consider too.
Since we bought Dream Time over eleven years ago, I've wished we had the ability (and perhaps just a little more room) to install a remote navigational system below deck, somewhere we could view our boat's NMEA data (digital charts, position, boat speed, wind speed, water depth etc.) from the warm, dry comfort
of our cabin. But as we don't have much of a nav table (it's more of a shelf), and I'm not particularly keen
on running additional wires and mounting more instruments, we've had to make do with what we've
got - which regrettably meant crawling outside into the cockpit and braving the elements just to read
our displays.
But thankfully not any more. You see we recently bought an iMux multiplexor - a cool little box that transmits our connected NMEA data wirelessly, magically beaming it around the boat, giving us the freedom and flexibility to view our external B&G Network, Garmin chartplotter, and even our AIS data on an iPad (iPhones also work). The install was simple too, even for a non-techie.
So now when it's cold, 'blowing stink' in an anchorage (yesterday it was gusting to 42 knots) and tipping with rain, or I just can't be bothered to get out of bed, we can check our position, see what the wind's blowing, and even plot our next passage all from the comfy convenience of our cabin.
So thanks to new technology I've finally got my remote nav table, well, nav tablet. And the best part: not only is it small and portable, but it's also loaded with some pretty cool apps too!
Equipment List: