Day 1,365 - Gulf Harbour, NZ (36° 37S 174° 47E)
15:28hrs - February 24th 2011
Christchurch Earthquake

We were driving out of Rotorua heading north back to Auckland when we started to hear the first reports of the Christchurch earthquake on the radio, and like most people we thought it sounded like the one they had last September, when because of the time of day and the depth of the quake no one was hurt,  but this one was very very different. As the day went on the news got worse and by the time we got back to the boat that evening it was beginning to sound like the aftermath of New York’s 9/11.  The news coverage was uninterrupted and grim. And three days later it remains the same. 

New Zealand feels like a small community anyway, but for the last few days, especially so. The non-stop radio coverage has been a lifeline for the thousands of people in and around Christchurch without power or water,
for those calling in trying to locate family members, and to people offering practical help from all over the country.

There is a strong sense that everyone feels close to Christchurch right now,
we all want to wrap our collective arms around it, hug it, and let it know that it’s going to be alright and we are here to help. 

Earthquake relief:
For those wishing to make a donation to help support New Zealand and those affected by the earthquake, the British Red Cross is doing a tremendous job. Their emergency response teams are helping to set up welfare centers, distribute blankets, water containers and tents to affected families.
To make a donation, their direct link is:

Hot off the press!
Click here to read our
article in the March
issue of Cruising World magazine >


Day 1,353 - Gulf Harbour, NZ (36° 37S 174° 47E)
08:09hrs - February 12th 2011
Project Mode

We apologize for the lack of blogs over the last few weeks, but we're in project mode again. Our days have been spent installing gear, organizing cupboards, cleaning bilges and groveling around in the lazarette greasing steering cables. And as important as these projects are, they're not particularly captivating subject matters!

But you may have noticed that many of our recent boat projects listed below, and the photos shown here, all share a common theme - which suggest we're perhaps preparing Dream Time for some rough sailing. We hope not, but our planned passage 'up hill' from New Zealand to Tahiti in a couple of months, does have the potential to be a tad bumpy, so we're doing everything we can now to make the journey as safe and comfortable as possible.

So from locking floorboards, fitting durable jerry can straps, to installing cockpit weather cloths, in a months time with the right weather window to see us out of Auckland, we'll be on our way, back to Tahiti!


Dream Time: Installed locking latches on floorboards. Fabricated new jerry can board and straps. Made weather cloths for the cockpit lifelines. Checked and lubricated steering cables.