Dream Time supports Oceana by donating all proceeds from published travel
stories and photos to this valuable charity. Learn more about how you can
also make a difference by supporting this important foundation >
visit Oceana.org

Oceana is the largest international organization focused solely on ocean conservation. Their offices in North America, Central America, South America and Europe work together on a limited number of strategic, directed campaigns to achieve measurable outcomes that will help return our oceans to former levels of abundance. Oceana believes in the importance of science in identifying problems and solutions.

To achieve real benefits for the oceans, Oceana conducts focused, strategic campaigns. Each campaign has a specific timeframe and objective that will make a significant difference to the oceans. Each campaign combines scientific, legal, policy and advocacy approaches to reach its goal. Saving the oceans may take decades, but in each of Oceana's campaigns they aim to accomplish an important milestone in that effort within two to five years.

Visit the Oceana website >


visit Oceana.org

Above: Neville's hand-carved coconut sculpture - engraved with Polynesian designs and depicting a family of migrating humpback whales,
a pod of dolphins and a school of tuna riding the South Pacific Ocean waves - was donated to Oceana for a charity auction hosted by Jon Hamm.

Visit Neville's floating studio >